American Red Cross : 513.579.3000
​2111 Dana Avenue; Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Website: http://www.cincinnatiredcross.orglindex. asp ?/DCapitulo=K2FA49812E
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​Bethany House : 513.381 .7233 (SAFE)
​1841 Fairmont Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45214
Website: http://www.bethanvhouseservices.org
⦁Accepts single women without children and women with children
⦁ Provides emergency shelter at local hotels for fathers and boys over age 12
⦁ Must look for jobs and housing on a daily basis; Case management services
⦁ Transitional housing also available, call: 513.921.1131, ext. 119

​Catholic Worker House : 513.381.7233 (SAFE)
​1437 Walnut Street; Cincinnati, OH
Website: http://www.catholicworkercincinnati.orgl
⦁ Offers shelter to sixteen men, with most stays limited to eight weeks
⦁ Provides three meals a day. The men must have goals, work on those goals, and start a savings account within three weeks
⦁ All who live in the house cook meals, house-sit, clean, and take responsibility for themselves and one another

​Center for Respite Care : 513.621.1868
​3550 Washington Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45229
Website: http://www.homelessrespite.org
⦁ In-patient medical services for homeless adult men and women (no families)
⦁ 15 beds for persons recovering from hospital surgery, etc. Length of stay: 30 days


American Red Cross : 513.579.3000
​2111 Dana Avenue; Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Website: http://www.cincinnatiredcross. org/index.asp ?IDCapitulo=K2FA49812E
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​Bethany House : 513.381 .7233 (SAFE)
​1841 Fairmont Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45214
Website: http://www.bethanyhouseservices.org
⦁ Single women with and without children (female children any age and male children 12 years old and younger)
⦁ Must [oak for jobs and housing on a daily basis; Case management services

​Interfaith Hospitality Network : 513.381.7233 (SAFE)
​990 Nassau St.; Cincinnati, OH 45206
Website: http://www.ihncincinnati.org
⦁ In order to be accepted as a guest at Interfaith Hospitality Network, you must be currently homeless and have children
⦁ Single parent men and women with children, as well as married couples with children
are all accepted .
⦁ 3pm curfew: Interfaith Hospitality Network is not recommended for people whose work hours would prohibit them meeting this curfew
⦁ You are not allowed to drink alcohol or use drugs while in the Interfaith Hospitality Network program. Do not accept guests who have a legal history of violent crimes or crimes against children

​Mercy-Franciscan at St. John's :513.381.7233 (SAFE)
​1800 Logan Street; Cincinnati, OH 45202
Website: http://e-mercy.com/foundation new st.john2.asp
⦁ Single mothers or fathers with their children and single women without children
⦁ Furnished, apartment-style housing- Average stay: 60-90 days
⦁ Services include eM, financial planning, family counseling, child care referrals

​Salvation Army : 513.381.7233 (SAFE)
​131 E 12th Street; Cincinnati, OH
Website: http://www.thesalvationarmycincinnati.org
⦁ The program prOVides emergency housing to single women and their minor children (including boys up to age 12) who are homeless
⦁ We provide a safe, stable and clean environment with hot meats, case management, employment programs and training programs, money management and life skills

Hope House Center for Women and Children : 513.217.5056
​1300 Girard Avenue; Middletown, OH 45044
Website: http://www.missionhope.org/coh.html
⦁ Housing for families and females with children

​Mercy Health St. Raphael : 513.603.8200
​610 High Street; Hamilton, OH 45011
Website: http://sfraphae/~hamilton.com
⦁ Housing for four families; LOS up to 90 days; Monday-Friday: 9am-430pm

​Serve City (The Chosen) : 513.737.8900
​622 East Avenue; Hamilton, OH 45011
Website: http://www.servecitychosen.org/chosen1.htm
⦁​ Provides shelter for up to 40 men and 12 women

​Shalom Center for Elder Abuse : 888.295.7453
​5467 Cedar Village Drive; Mason, OH 45040
Website: http://www.cedarvi/lage.orgiCare/ShalomCenter.aspx
⦁ Faith-based shelter in Ohio for victims of Elder Abuse
⦁ Serves Seniors 65+ in Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, and Warren Counties
⦁ Individual accepted for admission will have an emergency stay for 90-120 days
⦁ A variety of services including medical, nursing

​Shalom Emergency Shelter : 513.594.8072
​120 South Broad Street; Middletown, OH 45044 (First United Methodist Church)
​Website: http://www.shalomhomeless.com/
⦁ Serves Butler County residents (individuals and families)
⦁ Program only runs from November- March; Dinner and Breakfast are served
⦁ SHALOM is a collaborative effort of churches, service providers and citizens who wanted to provide shelter for the homeless


YWCA House of Peace Domestic Violence Shelter : 513.753.7281
​55 South Fourth Street; Batavia, OH 45103 (business address)
Website: http://www.ywca.org/site/pp.asp?c=agLGKXNOE&b=295671 &
⦁ Confidential, 16 bed shelter, with 24-hour access for survivors of domestic violence
⦁ Serves Adams, Brown, and Clermont County residents
⦁ Boys are accepted up to the age of 18. Adult male victims are provided shelter and services in another location
⦁ Services include case management, advocacy, housing assistance, financial assistance, interpreter assistance, transportation, educational groups, children's programming, social activities, pet protection, and basic needs


Bernie's Place : 513.4 94.2307
​204 Mary Ellen Street; South Lebanon, OH 45065
No website
⦁ Provides emergency shelter and meals for single 18 + adults
⦁ Must be a Warren County resident with a photo ID
⦁ Must call Rick Smith (intake coordinator) before entering shelter to determine eligibility


Interfaith Hospitality Network of Warren County : 513.934.5250
​203 East Warren Street; Lebanon, OH 45036
Website: www.ihnwc.org
⦁ Provides shelter, meals, and case management to homeless families
⦁ Will not accept individuals/families who are currently abusing drugs or alcohol, affected by severe mental illness, or fleeing physical abuse for any reason
⦁ Families in the shelter are eligible for furniture and Homeless Prevention/Rapid Re-housing


YWCA House of Peace Domestic Violence Shelter : 888.540.4764
​55 South Fourth Street; Batavia, OH 45103 (business address)
Website: http://www.ywca.org/site/pp.asp?c=agLGKXNOE&b=295671 &
⦁ Confidential, 16 bed shelter, with 24-hour access for survivors of domestic violence
⦁ Serves Adams, Brown, and Clermont County residents
⦁ Boys are accepted up to the age of 18. Adult male victims are provided shelter and services in another location
⦁ Services include case management, advocacy, housing assistance, financial assistance, interpreter assistance, transportation, educational groups, children's programming, social activities, pet protection, and basic needs

American Red Cross : 877.272.7337
​2111 Dana Avenue; Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Website: http://www.redcross.org/
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky : 859.291.4555
​634 Scott Street; Covington, KY 41011
Website: http://www.emergencyshelternky.org/
⦁ No longer called the Cold Shelter
⦁ Open every day from 6pm-830am between May-August and October-March
⦁ Adult Men and Women; Need KY 10
⦁ When temperature is below 32 degrees, will make every attempt to shelter everyone
⦁ To apply for a bed for the summer transitional program, go to the shelter any Monday or Wednesday morning from 9am-12pm; an individual will be interviewed and a decision will be made within 48 hours

​Fair Haven Rescue Mission : 859.491.1027
​260 Pike Street; Covington, KY 41012
Website: http://www.fairhavenmission.org/
⦁ Shelter for homeless men 18 years or older; must have a picture ID;
⦁ Must pass Breathalyzer test prior to admission
⦁ Intake: 545pm-630pm every evening; Hot meal every evening at 6pm
⦁ Must leave the shelter every morning to look for work, unless in the long term recovery program
⦁ Length of stay up to 14 nights (unless in long term recovery program)

Women's Crisis Center : 800.928.3358
​35 Madison Avenue; Covington, KY 41011
Website: http://www.wccky.org!
⦁ Provides safe shelter for women and children who are victims of DV or sexual abuse
⦁ Average stay: 3-4 weeks; Shelter, meals, counseling, advocacy, support group
⦁ Provides temporary housing for family pets

Am e ri ca n Red C ross : 877.272.7337
2111 Dana Avenue; Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Website: http://www.redcross.orgl
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​Heart House, Inc. : 812.926.4 8906
​815 US Highway 50; Aurora, IN 47001
Website: http://www.hearthouseindiana.org
⦁ 60 bed shelter for single individuals, families with children, or married adults
⦁ Serves people in Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley, & Switzerland counties
⦁ Must bring a background check with you in order to enter shelter

Safe Passage, Inc. : 877.733.1990
​P.O. Box 235; Batesville, IN 47006
Website: http://www.safepassageinc.orgl
⦁ Domestic violence shelter for victims and their children
⦁ Serves residents in Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley, & Switzerland counties; however will offer assistance to anyone who contacts the Help Line

​Homeward Bound Shelter (Brighton Center) : 859.581.1111
13-15 East 20th Street; Covington, KY 41014
Website: http://www.brightoncenter.com/what-we-dolwhat-we-do.php
⦁ Northern Kentucky's only emergency shelter for homeless and runaway youth
⦁ The shelter accepts youth who are age 12-17 for residency if they have run away from home, been kicked out of their home, or are at risk of becoming a run away
⦁ The shelter also accepts youth who are in danger of being abused at home
⦁ Many of the services provided at shelter are designed to aid in the reunification of the youth in their home with the parents

American Red Cross : 877.272.7337
​2111 Dana Avenue; Cincinnati, Ohio 45207
Website: http://www.redcross.orgl
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​Family Promise of Northern Kentucky : 859.431.6840
​336 West 9th Street; Newport, KY 41072
Website: http://www.nkyihn.orgl
⦁ Provides a shelter program for up to four homeless men and/or women with chNdren including transportation, meals, and overnight shelter in local churches with intense case management services at our Day Center in Newport
⦁ Offers a mentoring program with assistance in financial management, parenting, and basic life-skills
⦁ Provides pet therapy and an after school education program
⦁ Provides 3 apartment units for Transitional Housing, allowing those guests in our Shelter Program who have achieved job security to live free of rent and utility expenses for 3 to 6 months while they accumulate enough savings to payoff previous debt and save for a deposit/down payment on permanent housing.

​Welcome House : 859.431.8717
​205 West Pike Street; Covington, KY 41011
Website: http://www.welcomehouseky.org
⦁ Provide shelter to 35 single women with & without children (boys no older than 11 years old)
⦁ Must be18 years old; 3 meals a day; no addiction

Abuse and Rape Crisis Shelter (ARCS) : 513.695.1107
​27 N. East Street; Lebanon, OH 45036
Website: www.arcshelter.com
• Provides shelter, counseling, and legal advocacy for adults and their children

Adams County Shelter for the Homeless, Inc. : 937.544.8164
11483 State Route 41; West Union, OH 45693
Website: http://acsh1.org
⦁ Accommodates families as well as single males and single females
⦁ Application required for admission (not a drop off shelter)
⦁ Limited to 30 day stay

​American Red Cross : 877.272.7337
2111 Dana Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45207
Website: http://www.redcross.org/
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​Highland County Shelter : 937.393.0634
​145 Homestead Ave; Hillsboro, OH 45133
Website: http://www.hcshelter.org
⦁ Emergency housing for up to 28 men, women and children
⦁ Maximum stay is 90 days
⦁ Serve individuals from Highland County and surrounding areas including Brown County

Dove House (YWCA) : 800.618.6523
​244 Dayton Street; Hamilton, OH 45011
Website: http://www.ywcahamilton.com/
⦁Butler County's protective shelter for victims of domestic violence

American Red Cross : 513.423.9233
​1227 Manchester Avenue; Middletown, OH 45042
Website: http://www.redcross.org/
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​James Sauls Homeless Shelter : 513.732.6464
​2403 Old State Route 32; Batavia, OH 45103
Website: http://www.cccsi.org/shelter.htmi
⦁ Shelter for Individuals and Families; Operated by Clermont County Community Services
⦁ Three meals and laundry service provided free of charge
⦁ Once a person enters the shelter they must adhere to standards including a curfew, no drugs or alcohol, and must obtain employment within one week or show social security benefits are available.
⦁ Case Management services are provided to assist clients with goals and obtaining housing. Financial Assistance is available for rent and security deposits for persons exiting the shelter.

​Shalom Center for Elder Abuse : 888.295.7453
​5467 Cedar Village Drive; Mason, OH 45040
Website: http://www.cedarviJIage.org/Care/ShalomCenter.aspx
⦁ Faith-based shelter in Ohio for victims of Elder Abuse
⦁ Serves Seniors 65+ in Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, and Warren Counties
⦁ I ndividual accepted for admission will have an emergency stay for 90-120 days
⦁ A variety of services including medical, nursing, and therapy

YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter : 513.872.9259
​898 Walnut Street; Cincinnati, OH
​Website: http://www.ywca.cincinnati.org/
⦁ Confidential, 72 bed shelter, with 24 hour access for survivors of domestic violence
⦁ Boys are accepted up to the age of 18. Adult male victims are provided shelter and services in another location
⦁ Services include case management, advocacy, housing assistance, financial assistance, interpreter assistance, transportation, educational groups, children's programming, social activities, pet protection, and basic needs

Lighthouse Youth Crisis Center : 513.961.4080
​3330 Jefferson Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45220
Website: http://www./ys.orglrunaway2.html
⦁ 20 bed emergency facility where unaccompanied youth, 10-17 years old, can seek shelter and safety
⦁ Under Ohio law youth may seek shelter at the Youth Crisis Center without consent but may not participate without parent's consent

American Red Cross : 513.868.7616
​6730 Roosevelt Ave, Suite 400; Franklin OH 45005
Website: http://www.redcross.org/
⦁ Housing for people homeless as a result of natural disaster or fire by way of hotel voucher
⦁ Issues credit cards to assist with paying for motel/hotel, clothing, and food

​Haven House : 513.863.8866
​550 High Street; Hamilton, OH 45011
Website: http://www.havenhouseshelter.org/
⦁ Family shelter for either married men or women with children, single mothers with children, or single fathers with children; average stay: 20-30 days
⦁ Must be a resident of Butler County

​Hope House Center for Men : 513.424.4673 (HOPE)
​34 S. Main Street; Middletown, OH 45044
Website: http://www.hopehouserescuemission.info/
⦁ Housing for men

City Gospel Mission : 513.241 .5525
​1419 Elm Street; Cincinnati, OH 45202
Website: http://www.citvgospelmission.org
⦁ $15 shelter fee per week (provides bed, locker, breakfast, and dinner)
⦁ First come, first serve; doors open at 6: 15pm
⦁ First time guests who are not able to cover the shelter fee are welcomed, and a plan for them to earn the fee is put into action
⦁ 34 beds for homeless, sober men

​Drop Inn Center : 513.721.0643
​217 W. 1 ih Street; Cincinnati, OH 45202
Website: http://www.dropinn.orgl
⦁ Emergency shelter for men or women; VA has 15 Grant and Per Diem beds for men
⦁ Must be at the shelter before 9pm to complete an intake prior to admission
⦁ Must have 10 prior to admission or have a social worker call DIC to verify your identity

​Shalom Center for Elder Abuse : 888.295.7453
​5467 Cedar Village Drive; Mason, OH 45040
Website: http://www.cedarvillage.org/Care/ShalomCenter.aspx
⦁ The first shelter in Ohio for victims of Elder Abuse
⦁ Serves Seniors 65+ in Hamilton, Butler, Clermont, and Warren Counties
⦁ Individual accepted for admission will have an emergency stay for 90-120 days
⦁ A variety of services including medical, nursing, and therapy will be available

​Sheakley Center for Youth : 513.569.9500
​2522 Highland Avenue; Cincinnati, OH
Website: http://www./ys.org/
⦁ Resource Center on 1st Floor (previously known as Anthony House) where homeless teens and youth up to age 24 can go M-F 9am-9pm for food, clothing, personal hygiene products, medical care, free laundry, shower, telephone, mail service (bus tokens available for those working or looking for work)
⦁ Homeless Shelter on 2nd Floor for men and women ages 18-24 with a structured educational and life-skills curriculum
⦁ Step-Up component with a comprehensive plan to attain permanent housing within 30 days

​Volunteers of America, Veterans Resource Center : 513.322.5170
7938 Hamilton Avenue; Mt. Healthy, OH 45231
Website: http://www. voago.org
⦁ 50 beds serving Veterans with SMI, Dual Diagnoses, Former or Current justice-involved
⦁ 46 beds for male Veterans and 4 beds in a separate wing set aside for female Veterans